National Kidney Foundation 30 East 33rd Street New York, New York 10016 (212) 889-2210 Toll Free: 800-622-9010
Fax: (212) 779-0068 On the Web: www. More than 20 million Americans have some form of kidney
or urologic disease. Millions more are at risk. The National Kidney Foundation, a major voluntary health organization, seeks
to prevent kidney and urinary tract diseases, improve the health and well being of individuals and families affected by these
diseases, and increase the availability of all organs for transplantation. Through its 52 affiliates nationwide, the Foundation
conducts programs in research, professional education, patient and community services, public education and organ donation.
The work of the National Kidney Foundation is funded by public donations. There is a newsletter available to patients
as well as families affected by kidney failure called the Family Focus. This newsletter is available through the NKF and contains
valuable information in an easy to understand format. This newsletter is also free to patients and families. If you are
interested in receiving this newsletter simply contact the NKF. American Kidney Fund 6110 Executive Boulevard
Suite 1010 Rockville, Maryland 20852 (301) 881-3052 Toll Free: 800-638-8299 Fax: (301) 881-0898 On
the Web: The American Kidney Fund is a national voluntary health organization dedicated to improving
the daily lives of people with chronic disease. The AKF?rimary goal is to relieve the often-staggering financial burden associated
with chronic kidney failure through our Patient Aid Programs. There are numerous programs set up by the AKF to help patients
and families to better understand their disease. Programs which include: The American Kidney Fund Public Information Services
which tries to inform people about the treatment and prevention of kidney disease and the great need for organ donors. The
AKF Help line (1-800-638-8299) is a toll free line set up to respond to questions from kidney patients, their families and
the general public. The HELPLINE provides information and referral services and fills requests for educational brochures.
The AKF Professional Education activities provide practical tools for health care professionals in nephrology to improve the
care of chronic kidney patients. The AKF has many useful brochures as well as many programs designed to answer your
questions. Fund Raising Activities support all of AKF?rograms. Please contact them and see how you can help. American
Association of Kidney Patients 100 South Ashley Drive Suite 280 Tampa, FL 33602 Toll Free: 800-749-2257 Fax:
(813) 223-0001 On the Web: The American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP), formerly The National
Association of Patients on Hemodialysis and Transplantation (NAPHT), was founded in 1969 to promote the interests and quality
of life of kidney patients. Educational efforts are aimed at patient and public understanding of kidney disease, care, and
rehabilitation. In addition to information services, AAKP conducts mutual support groups, encourages organ donation, and represents
the interests of patients to public agencies. There are 26 local self-help chapters. The AAKP publications include
a quarterly magazine, NA-K Phos Counter, Americans with Disabilities brouchure and a blood chemistry sheet. When Your Kidneys
Fail- options brochure, AAKP Advisory ??e risk of Inadequate Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis ?? it the Right Choice for
ME, and an iron brochure. All of theses publications are available to you, simply contact the AAKP.